UK Friends of Herzog Donation Form

Choose Your Donation Amount
Donation Amount
Choose from the Amounts Above or Enter an Other Amount in GBP
Where Would You Like Your Donation to Go Towards?
I Would Like to Dedicate My Donation
I would LIke to Gift Aid My Donation
I want to Gift Aid any donations I make or have made to UK Friends of Herzog Hospital today, in the future or in the past four years. I am a UK taxpayer and understand that if I pay less Income Tax and/or Capital Gains Tax than the amount of Gift Aid claimed on all my donations in that tax year it is my responsibility to pay any difference. Registered charity number: 1024814
Name of the Person Being Honoured
Enter the Person's Name
Contact Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Postal / ZIP Code

Donate By Mail

UK Friends of Herzog Hospital
51 Barham Avenue, Elstree
Herts WD6 3PW, England

Thank you for your donation!

Supporting Herzog Medical Centre means saving lives and improving the health and wellness of Israel’s population. With your gift we will be able to continue to provide the level of care that patients deserve, expand services, and research new treatments and cures.

UK Friends of Herzog Hospital is a nonprofit organization dedicated to raising awareness and philanthropic support for Herzog Medical Centre in Israel. We are a registered British Charity (1024814). Your donation is tax deductible as allowed by law.

For more information about planned giving, stock and wire transfers, and naming opportunities, please contact our office at 44-(0)20 8455 8877.
Or send us an email at

Gift Aid:

Every gift you make to UK Friends of Herzog Hospital– whatever its value – could be worth more at no extra cost to you just by choosing to Gift Aid it.  HM Revenue and Customs will add an extra 25p to every £1 you give to the British Friends. By ticking the box in the donation form, you can Gift Aid your donations to Smile Train – including any you’ve made in the past four years.