Speech Therapy

A key element in the recovery of stroke victims in addition to physical and occupational therapy is helping the individual to regain optimum speech and eating abilities. Herzog Medical Center maintains two speech therapists. Their work with patients is aimed at weaning them from tube feeding and teaching them how to gradually drink and eat safely. Exercising with the patient includes eating and drinking different textures in order to bring them to independence. The other area is communication, speech and problems related to cognitive and mental comprehension caused by different brain events. 

The therapy takes place in a specially designed  facility to enable the patient to concentrate and succeed in the therapy. 

This reality makes it that much more difficult for both the patient and speech therapist in therapy. Patients are often distracted by outside noises and continuity of therapy is damaged.  It is clear that speech therapists require such a dedicated facility, isolated from noises, in order to gain optimum results in therapy. This room also includes equipment such as a computer, printer, radio-tape, working cards and means of alternative supportive communication. 

A Speech Therapist at Herzog Medical Center Providing Speech Therapy & Communication