Occupational Therapy

Each patient undergoing geriatric rehabilitation participates in occupational therapy sessions. The sessions include an overall diagnosis of the areas on which to focus: improvement in daily functioning, in speech or in swallowing, adaptation to various tools, definition and treatment of cognitive problems, plus consultation with the patient and their family before returning home. The Occupational Therapy Department enjoys the benefits of modern equipment, wide experience and extensive knowledge in the treatment of geriatric patients. Therapy involves practicing important daily activities such as cooking, bathing, laundry etc. The professional staff of therapists is also available to help the patient, even after they are discharged, to regain their former ability to function and to improve their quality of life, without losing sight of the special needs of an older person.

Improvements in Daily Functioning
Focus on carrying out basic aid to living tasks such as cooking, bathing and laundry. Activities we take for granted ...
Improvements in Daily Functioning
Regaining Independence
Occupational Therapists at Herzog employ a wide variety of tools and techniques to help patients regain critical hand-eye coordination and muscle control