Complex Nursing Department

Patients with complex medical histories require a complex and multifaceted solution. As the only Geriatric hospital in Israel which houses the multidisciplinary staff and resources necessary for their care under one roof, Herzog Medical Center is the only institution which can address their medical needs.

Whether it’s a patient with respiratory challenges which requires a tracheotomy to a patient who is dealing with a chronic disease (sometimes both), Herzog Medical Centre’s Complex Nursing Department provides for their ongoing care and quality of life. In other hospitals and departments, these same patients would have to visit multiple locations and several doctors in order to receive the same level of care – usually creating an impossible reality.

In Herzog Medical Centre’s Complex Nursing Department a highly trained staff of medical professionals works together to provide an interdisciplinary medical care approach whether providing ongoing ventilation, suction, to dialysis, intravenous medications and treatment of pressure sores. Focusing on providing assistance for patients’ daily living such as bathing, dressing, and mobility also provides comfort and dignity for its patients during their golden years.

Please see the following story about Ilan Moreno and the impact Herzog is making in his life.